Pre-recorded Invited Speaker Presentations

Friday 30th October, 2020

Self-paced viewing of seven (7) pre-recorded presentations (up to one (1) week before the live login dates). This pre-recorded session needs to be viewed before you login for the live virtual meeting dates. Any questions about the presentation can be posted via the portal in order for chairs to discuss during the live session.

  • Day case opioid-free Cholecystectomy? – Dr Philip Gan – 12mins
  • Gall bladder preservation surgery: Why and how? – Dr Janina Kaczmarczyk – 12mins
  • Cholecystostomy. Should we do better? – Dr Dan Croagh – 12mins
  • Operative Cholangiogram:  Guidelines towards a meaningful interpretation – Dr Olukunle Onasanya (best paper abstract submission) – 10mins
  • Biliary Strictures:  Chasing the diagnosis – Dr Ian Yusoff – 12mins
  • Planning resection of Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma (pCCA) – Dr Adam Bartlett – 12mins
  • Hepaticopancreatic resection in Cholangiocarcinoma is worth it? – Dr Michael Crawford – 12mins